Category: market-trends Market Trends
REIT 2021 Outlook
In this video, Head of Real Estate, Noel Purcell, speaks with NAREIT’s Sarah Borcherson-Keto on the REIT 2021 outlook and where he believes M&A activity is headed.
Category: market-trends Market Trends
What is Business Continuity?
Eddie Butterman and Mike Aragona in our Global Transaction Banking’s Cash Management Sales Department look at business continuity planning, why it’s important, and how to put a good business continuity plan in place.
Category: market-trends Market Trends
ePayables: Efficient, Effective, and Emerging
Virtual cards, also known as ePayables, are quickly becoming a simple alternative to checks and automated clearing house (ACH) in the accounts payables process. Tom Misson, Vice President in Global Transaction Banking Product Management, looks at the challenges and benefits of ePayables adoption.
Category: market-trends Market Trends
Watch the Gap: Retail’s Winners and Losers
Not all retailers are faring equally in the current environment, and the holiday shopping season underscored a clear and widening gap between retail’s winners and losers. Consumer Sector Specialist Michael Dick takes a deeper look at the numbers.
Category: market-trends Market Trends
Mizuho Americas Carries Momentum of its D&I and ESG Initiatives into 2H 2020
Entering the second half of 2020, Mizuho Americas intensified our commitment in support of a corporate culture driving innovation and societal change through an appreciation for diverse life experiences and expertise.
Category: market-trends Market Trends
How Does Distributed Ledger Technology Work? A Simple Guide
Reviewing the concepts embedded in DLT, we break it down and look at a real-life example of where it's already being put to use.
Category: market-trends Market Trends
Power & Utilities Ecosystem
Hear from Mizuho’s team of experts across banking, equity research, and equity capital markets on how they approach this rapidly changing sector.
Category: market-trends Market Trends
What's Driving the Growth in E-payments?
Michael Aragona looks at the meteoric rise in electronic payments globally and examines the drivers and the impact on the payments industry.
Category: market-trends Market Trends
Mizuho Cybersecurity Summit: What the CISOs Say
We recap some of the top trends discussed at the inaugural summit, hosted by Mizuho Equity Research Analyst Gregg Moskowitz.