Legal Disclosures

Legal information and policies applicable to Mizuho Bank Europe N.V. products and services.

Mizuho Bank Europe's approach to Personal Data

As well as the personal data we hold on our own employees, we collect and use certain data about individuals employed by/working for our corporate clients or their affiliates. Protection of this information is covered by the European data protection law (GDPR). We set out in detail our approach to handling personal data in our Privacy Notice (link below) and explains individuals' rights in relation to their personal data. In addition to the more detailed reasons we set out in our Privacy Notice, in summary we collect and use information about individuals employed by/working for our clients for three main purposes:

  1. to satisfy our regulatory obligations with respect to anti-money laundering legislation, 'know your client' obligations and various other regulatory or legal requirements;
  2. to enable us to provide services and products to our clients; and
  3. to provide our clients offering of new products and services.


If any questions about the protection of personal data arise, please contact Mizuho Bank Europe's Data Protection Officer via email: [email protected].

Please refer to the following link for further information about data collection and cookies management when accessing Mizuho’s website:

Mizuho Bank Europe N.V. Privacy Notice

Complaints Process

Our aim is to offer you the products and services that meet your needs, delivered to the standard you would expect. If we do not meet your expectations, please tell us. We aim to ensure any concerns and complaints you might have will be dealt with promptly and fairly.  Please find our full process document below.

Mizuho Bank Europe's Complaints Process

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