PEFC Simulation Software Package P-Stack® - Examples1

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Example 1: Performance and Internal State of Full-Scale Stack

Effect of Operating and Structural Conditions on the Internal state and Cell Performance

In this example, we investigate the effects of the operating and structural conditions on a stack of 100 cells, whose reaction area is 260 cm2. The figures below show the distributions of the temperature and current density under stationary operating conditions: load current density 0.2 A/cm2, anode utilization 75%, and cathode utilization 50%. This study indicates that manifold downsizing produces an uneven flow rate across cells, while a higher loading current causes an increase of water in the end cell. Both effects result in the performance degradation of the stack system.



  • *P-Stack is a registered trademark of Mizuho Research & Technologies, Ltd.


Example 1: Performance and Internal State of Full-Scale Stack

Example 2: Effect of Load Fluctuation on Full-Scale Cell

Example 3: Prediction of Durability Performance

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