Toyota Motor Corporation
Mizuho Information & Research Institute, Inc.
Tokyo - TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (TMC) and MIZUHO INFORMATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE (MHIR) have announced today the publishing of a joint study report, based on research from a surveillance study, on the amount of greenhouse gas emissions released in the production of various automotive fuels. By the consignment of TMC, MHIR conducted this study to understand and objectively evaluate the load that various propulsion systems and the use of their fuels might inflict on the environment, while also realizing that study of this topic is very important when considering the use of next-generation automotive fuels.
The use of automotive fuels such as natural gas, synthetic fuels, biomass fuels and hydrogen, besides traditional gasoline and diesel fuel, have been highly researched, due to the increasing diversification of propulsion systems, such as for gasoline, gasoline-hybrid and fuel cell vehicles.
Shown in this report are the calculation results of well-to-tank*1 energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiencies of current and near-future automotive fuels in Japan. The results of this study were subsequently combined with data related to tank-to-wheel*2 studies previously conducted by TMC and a case study showing well-to-wheel*3 GHG emissions under fixed conditions, calculated using sedan-type vehicles*4.
TMC and MHIR expect this report to accelerate other surveillance studies and discussions concerning future automotive fuels among organizations that grapple with environmental preservation and energy resource problems. TMC and MHIR intend to present the detailed results of this report at academic conferences in order to facilitate the exchange of information.
- From the point of resource recovery to delivery to the vehicle tank
- From the tank to the wheels, while assessing vehicle architecture, powertrains and fuel effects
- Integration of the well-to-tank and tank-to-wheel components
- Sedan-type vehicle-weight: 1,250 kg, displacement: 2,000cc, four-cylinder gasoline engine, automatic transmission