Mizuho’s initiatives to prevent bribery and corruption

Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.

With the enactment of related laws and regulations and the heightened public concern for bribery and corruption in Japan and other countries, Mizuho implements appropriate measures to prevent bribery and corruption.

Mizuho Financial Group acknowledges the social significance of preventing bribery and corruption, and by prohibiting executives and employees from involving in bribery and corruption and promoting fair and honest conduct, it shall aim to maintain and develop sound corporate activities.
Mizuho Financial Group prohibits employees from involving in bribery and corruption through the following activities:

  •  Exchange of entertainment and gifts
  • Donation 
  • Recruitment, etc.
  • Facility payment(making payments for the purpose of facilitating administrative formalities to gain undue benefit in conducting corporate activities and business promotion)
  • Conclusion of contracts for outsourcing operations and engaging third parties
  • Corporate acquisitions
  • Other acts related to duties

To implement the above initiative, Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd has formulated manuals and operating procedures, etc. that stipulate the specific procedures, and implements training to executives and employees to ensure compliance with the procedures.
Moreover, our company will monitor the implementation status of the above, to enhance the framework for ensuring compliance with the Anti-Bribery Acts, etc. in a continued manner.

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