Category: community Community
Compassion, child care, and capital funding: The Low Income Investment Fund
The Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF) has been investing in the potential of people and places for over three decades, focusing on poverty alleviation and creating sustainable communities. Learn more about Mizuho’s commitment to the LIIF and its mission to support community development and economic opportunity.
Category: community Community
BoardLead: matching corporate leaders with nonprofit boards
Strong leadership on nonprofit boards is essential to effectively drive the organization's mission forward. Mizuho Americas, partnering with Cause Strategy Partners, provides its senior leaders in the opportunity to utilize their professional skills to help nonprofit organizations locally and nationally by serving as board members.
Category: community Community
Grameen America: microlending, macro impact
Grameen America focuses exclusively microlending to low-income women running small businesses in The United States and recently surpassed $4 billion invested in 190,000 entrepreneurs.
Category: community Community
Start Small Think Big Inc: Growing Businesses, Shrinking Barriers
In 2010, Start Small Think Big was founded with the goal of helping historically marginalized and low- and moderate-income entrepreneurs succeed. To date, the organization has grown substantially with resources tailored to addressing the unique needs of its network of 10,000 small businesses. Learn more about their commitment to furthering social and economic equity.
Category: community Community
Drive Change NYC: Cooking up positive change and success for NYC youth
Since 2014, Drive Change has been committed to helping formerly incarcerated young adults develop the professional and personal skills to secure gainful employment and long term success in the hospitality industry and beyond. Drive Change offers a transformative fellowship program that focuses on immersing, preparing, and supporting its participants from the beginning by providing industry knowledge and skills, to equipping them with resources such as mentors and therapists, to pairing them with a local restaurant to gain experience beyond the entry-level. The Mizuho USA Foundation is proud to partner with the growing organization and support its workforce development programs making a significant impact on the local community.
Category: community Community
LISC: Investing in underinvested communities
The Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) is a national network that takes a holistic approach to improving communities. To date, the organization has advanced approximately $29.7 billion in investments, tailored to the specific needs of hundreds of urban and rural communities. Learn more about the organization’s effective business model and how Mizuho supports its important work.
Category: community Community
Where preparation meets opportunity: Comprehensive Youth Development, Inc.
When life circumstances create challenges for high school students, transfer schools and organizations like Comprehensive Youth Development (CYD) step in to offer alternatives, providing flexible classroom hours, manageable graduation time horizons, and additional support in the form of tutoring, mentoring, and social services. The Mizuho USA Foundation is proud to support CYD and its Preparation Meets Opportunity program, which provides workplace readiness training for students at a high-need public transfer school in Manhattan.
Category: community Community
COOP Careers: Fueling upward mobility for first-generation college graduates
Founded in 2014, COOP Careers provides underemployed, first-generation and Pell Grant college graduates with opportunities to expand their professional skills and networks in order to launch a meaningful career and fuel upward mobility. Mizuho is thrilled to support COOP and its SMB Client project, aiming to provide participants with hands-on work experience in industries including Digital Marketing, Data Analytics, and Business Development.
Category: community Community
In pursuit of transformation: The Pursuit transformation company
Pursuit is an innovative social impact organization focusing on closing the prosperity gap in America, transforming the lives of New Yorkers from low-income backgrounds through its no-cost engineering training programs. Mizuho is proud to partner with Pursuit to further accelerate and support the hundreds of young adults in their career and professional development.