A Message from the President & CEO


Photo President Kato

Taking on challenges, leading the way, bringing the group together

In last year’s message, I stated that I would entrust employees with greater responsibility toward proactively developing ideas and bringing about change for Mizuho. Since then, I have led delegation of authority and elimination of excessive and inward-looking reporting. I feel that Mizuho is beginning to show signs of being more pliant and flexible, and we are moving toward a culture in which we focus our time and energy more on our customers.

Mizuho Bank is the group’s major touchpoint with our customers. By serving as the relationship hub for our customers and tying together the group’s various strengths, we will spearhead efforts to maximize value creation for our customers. As times change, such as the return of positive interest rates in Japan, we are fully committed to improving our range of products and solutions responsive to customer needs.

Mizuho Bank is also responsible for the largest volume of operations within the group. In order to continuously and sustainably improve our services amidst a shrinking population in Japan, we will drive the transformation of our operations while also maintaining our stable business operations. We will optimize product and service lineups, review operational processes to boost efficiency and productivity, and take full advantage of digital technology.

Within this, each employee will develop greater initiative and professionalism, using their creativity and ambition to enhance customer value and improve business operations.

File:Autograph窶溺asahiko Kato

Masahiko Kato
President & CEO
Mizuho Bank, Ltd.

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