Publication of Human Rights Report 2023

July 27, 2023

Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. published its Human Rights Report 2023, compiling details on its initiatives for respecting human rights based on the United Nations Guiding Principles Reporting Framework1.

In light of the recent shifts in human rights issues relevant to Mizuho as a financial institution and global corporation, in 2022, we re-assessed human rights issues of the highest concern to Mizuho and revised our Human Rights Policy to strengthen our commitment to respect internationally recognized human rights and take action to implement this commitment.

As Mizuho's second report on human rights, the Human Rights Report 2023 gives a comprehensive overview of Mizuho's respecting human rights initiatives and includes additional disclosures and implementation status of human rights due diligence. In this way, it increases transparency and provides for accountability to our stakeholders in regard to our initiatives for respecting human rights.

Main areas of strengthened initiatives and additional disclosures (Please see the attachment for other areas of progress)

  • Human rights due diligence
    - Disclosed status of conducting human rights due diligence based on Human Rights Policy revised in 2022
    - Disclosed status of conducting enhanced due diligence when human rights issues are detected
  • Grievance mechanism
    - Became member of Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER), which operates a grievance mechanism platform, to establish capacity for advanced methods of grievance redress
    - Disclosed status of responses to main feedbacks and complaints related to human rights

Based on our awareness of issues and lessons learned through our respecting human rights initiatives, Mizuho will continue improving transparency, maintaining responsible business conduct, and strengthening activities towards realization of a sustainable society in which human rights are respected.

Link to the Human Rights Report 2023:,251KB)

  1. Comprehensive guidance for companies to report on human rights issues in line with their responsibility to respect human rights, as set out in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Developed through the Human Rights Reporting and Assurance Frameworks Initiative (RAFI).

(Appendix) Main Areas of Progress since FY2022 (PDF/148KB)

PDF for print (PDF/246KB)

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