Mizuho Bank invests in TICAD bonds issued by JICA

September 20, 2019

Mizuho Bank, Ltd. (President & CEO: Koji Fujiwara) announced today that we are investing in the 50th JICA Bond (Fiscal Investment and Loan Program (FILP) Non–guaranteed Domestic Bonds), referred to as “TICAD bonds”, issued by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA; President: Shinichi Kitaoka).

The bonds are issued as “TICAD bonds” in conjunction with the Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD7) which was held at the end of August, and the bond proceeds will be allocated to JICA’s finance and investment activities in Africa. The JICA Bond (FILP Non–guaranteed Domestic Bonds) is a specific example of an initiative for achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #17 (revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development) as part of the SDGs Implementation Guiding Principles established by the Japanese government in December 2016. By directing Japanese private funds towards developing countries, this initiative is expected to lead to stronger global partnerships.

The funds raised through these bonds will be allocated to JICA’s finance and investment activities in Africa, providing support for infrastructure development such as roads, water pipes, and electricity, as well as education and other fields.

At Mizuho, we are working to further incorporate sustainability initiatives into our strategy and strengthen our group–wide framework for promoting sustainability. We will draw on our expertise as a financial services group to proactively provide a wide range of solutions, including providing capital raising support to businesses that are contributing to the creation of resilient social infrastructure.


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