December 19, 2002

Mizuho Holdings, Inc.

Corrections on Attached Material of "Consolidated Financial Statements for the First Half of Fiscal 2002"

Mizuho Holdings, Inc. (MHHD) hereby announces corrections on the attached material of its "Consolidated Financial Statements for the First Half of Fiscal 2002", as follows:

1. Organization structure of Mizuho Financial Group (MHFG)

Of the major domestic subsidiaries, the following companies are listed on Japanese domestic stock exchanges: (p.1-4)

  Ownership Percentage(%)
Previous Statements After Correction
Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. 61.5
Mizuho Investors Securities Co., Ltd. 66.5
  1. ():Percentage interest held by subsidiaries
  2. "Ownership Percentage" for Mizuho Asset Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. includes 300,000 voting rights, which arise from First Series Class I Preferred Stock, and 800,000 voting rights, which arise from Third Series Class II Preferred Stock in accordance with provisional clause of Article 242, paragraph 1 of the Commercial Code of Japan.

This revision has no effect on MHHD's previously disclosed other consolidated financial statements.

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