Status of Dialogues with Shareholders

Number of meetings with institutional investors

FY2022 520 in total (includes 190 investors outside of Japan)

-By executive officers: 190 (includes 50 investors outside of Japan)
-By IR Department: 330 (includes 140 investors outside of Japan)

Major investor events

  • Presentation for individual investors (January 2023): Online briefing session limited to shareholders
  • FY2022 Financial Results Presentation (May 2023): In addition to the FY22 financial results, Group CEO made a presentation on the new medium-term business plan and the revision of the Corporate Identity, etc.
  • IR Select (February and May 2023): Group CSuO and CCuO made presentations on sustainability initiatives and corporate culture reforms. In May, Group CSuO and Chairman of the Board of Directors explained the initiatives to address climate change.
  • IR Day (June 2023): The head of each in-house company gave presentations covering their business strategies
  • Outside Director Session (June 2023): Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Audit Committee conducted direct dialogue between outside directors and investors and analysts

Major dialogues

  • Through meetings and various briefings, we received opinions from shareholders on a wide range of topics, including not only on business strategies and capital policy but also non-financial value such as ESG and human capital. We give feedback on the opinions we receive to management, directors and relevant coordination departments as necessary, and reflect relevant feedback in various initiatives. In formulating the new medium-term business plan, we referred to the feedback when reviewing our business portfolio and considering non-financial targets, and we worked to expand and improve the disclosure described below. Given the increasingly uncertain economic environment, we believe timely disclosure of information is important, and based on shareholders’ interests, we have disclosed the financial impact of market fluctuations and the status of real estate-related exposures at an early date. We will continue to reflect opinions from our shareholders in various initiatives.

Major Disclosures based on shareholders’ opinions

  • Initiatives and challenges to improve PBR
  • Details of verification of the significance of cross-shareholdings and ratio of stock portfolio to net assets
  • Estimated financial impact of FX fluctuations and interest rate changes
  • Details of real estate exposures and Non-JPY deposit structures
  • Advance disclosure of the Securities Report prior to the General Meeting of Shareholders
  • Reasons for the selection of necessary skills defined in the skill matrix of the Board of Directors
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