
Socio-economic activities rely on natural capital while benefiting from ecosystem services. At the same time, business activities negatively impact nature and the increasing severity of natural capital losses is a business risk for companies. The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework was adopted at the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in December 2022. The framework clearly states that its goals are the disclosure of information by large corporations and multinational companies and the promotion of investment in biodiversity by private companies. Additionally, the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) aims to promote a nature positive economy by shifting the global financial flows to nature conservation and restoration. To continue enjoying the benefits of biodiversity in the future, it will be necessary for each country, municipality, business operator, private organization and citizen, in alliance, to take actions to achieve a "Naturally symbiotic society" in which biodiversity is maintained.

Based on this understanding, Mizuho, as a financial institution that plays a central role in economic activity, is supporting projects that protect biodiversity while working to reduce negative impacts on it.

Mizuho's Initiatives

Mizuho is promoting the following initiatives from the viewpoint of the conservation of biodiversity.

Participated in the Keidanren Biodiversity Declaration Initiative

In March 2009, Keidanren released the "Declaration on Biodiversity by Keidanren," a compilation of its declaration and action guidelines for biodiversity conservation. This Declaration was revised as the “Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren and Action Policy” in October 2018. In June 2020, Keidanren announced details of the “Initiative Based on the Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren.” Under this initiative, policy measures and case studies of companies and organizations that work on several of the seven items raised by the “Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren and Action Policy” or that support the overall purpose of the declaration and policy are introduced on the Keidanren website. Mizuho participates in the initiative and is taking steps to protect biodiversity.


Participated in the Cross Sector Biodiversity Initiative (CSBI)

In February 2013, Mizuho Bank, as a member of the Equator Principles Association (EPA), assisted to establish the Cross Sector Biodiversity Initiative (CSBI), a partnership among EPA, IPIECA, and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) that considers measures and strategies to reduce the impact of large–scale development projects on biodiversity. Mizuho has joined various meetings for CSBI since.

In countries around the world, the movement over the last several years to develop and strengthen legal systems for the conservation of biodiversity has been steadily gathering momentum, and companies in these countries are also being asked to participate. The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, has issued guidelines entitled "IFC Performance Standards," and these have been adopted by the Equator Principles Association. The biodiversity preservation provisions of these standards were strengthened in January 2012.Furthermore, Equator Principles version 4 (EP4), which Mizuho has started to apply from July 2020, strengthened efforts to the conservation of biodiversity.

In response to these developments, Mizuho continues to invest its efforts to CSBI as a member of EPA, to support this initiative that collaborates beyond industrial borders.

Mizuho joins the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures Forum

Mizuho Financial Group and Mizuho Research & Technologies have endorsed the principles of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)*, and have joined the TNFD Forum in March 2022.
Being a member of the TNFD Forum means that we can play a part in constructing a framework for nature-related financial information disclosure. It also allows us to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society by proactively implementing environmental initiatives which draw on our capabilities and knowledge as a financial services group.

* Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD):
An international initiative aimed at developing and delivering a risk management and opportunity framework for disclosing nature-related financial information. The TNFD officially launched in June 2021 after a nine-month preparatory phase by an Informal Working Group comprising of 74 members across business, finance, and consortia.


Case Studies on Other Measures

Measures taken through Mizuho's core businesses

Harnessing its financial system, Mizuho is promoting the following measures.

Company Initiatives Reference
Mizuho Bank Support for financing funds for the purchase of energy–saving equipment

Green finance

Adopted the Equator Principles

Equator Principles

Participate in CSBI

Participated in the Cross Sector Biodiversity Initiative (CSBI)

Introducing paperless (online) bankbooks

WWF donation corresponding to the number of non-bankbook accounts opened

Mizuho Securities Sell SRI and Environmental–Related Financial Products

SRI and environmental–related financial products

Supporting the challenge of sustainable fishing and aquaculture businesses

Issuance of Japan’s first blue bond (Japanese text only)

Mizuho Research & Technologies Provide government agencies with a wide range of support for environmental and energy policies

Research and consulting services

Supporting Companies’ initiatives of natural capital and biodiversity

Mizuho Nature- Positive Design (Japanese text only)

Asset Management One Offer such products as the natural environment protection fund (Oze Kiko)

Investment products

Measures at the offices

We are promoting initiatives to achieve a recycling–oriented society. Our efforts include a reduction in the use of paper, one of the resources financial businesses like Mizuho consume the most.

Company Initiatives Reference
The group Promote green purchasing

Promoting a recycling–based society

Promote a paper reduction campaign
Promote paper recycling
Mizuho Financial Group
Mizuho Bank
Replace plastic straws and take–out coffee cups in the employee cafeteria and coffee shop with paper and biodegradable items
Mizuho Bank Choose FSC–certified paper for paper bags for customers

Measures taken for society

Volunteering and sponsorship

Mizuho is promoting forest volunteer activities and biodiversity–related educational activities.

Company Initiatives Reference
The group Reforest coastal land in the disaster–stricken areas

Supporting the Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake

Conduct employee volunteer activities for forest preservation

Education for our Executive Officers and Employees

Sponsor nationwide painting contests for elementary and middle school students with a theme of the environment

Events and publications

Mizuho Bank Send flowers for planting to the disaster–stricken areas

Supporting the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake

Accreditation and recognition

Urban green spaces provide a number of benefits, including reducing the heat island effect, preserving biodiversity, reducing damage from urban flooding, and providing space for people to relax.

Otemachi Tower, the location of our Otemachi Head Office, is situated on a property where around a third of the area (approx. 3,600 m2) is dedicated green space known as "Otemachi Forest". With the concept of recreating a real forest, indigenous trees and shrubs were gathered from woodlands in the local Kanto region to form a diverse forested area. As a result, as an office building with dedicated green space aimed at preserving biodiversity, Otemachi Tower has been recognized by the Association for Business Innovation in harmony with Nature and Community (ABINC) under their certification program for businesses operating in harmony with nature.

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                                                 Otemachi Forest (part of Otemachi Tower)

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