Grievance Mechanism and Stakeholder Dialogues
We have established a number of consultation systems for our employees and will continuously work on establishing appropriate mechanisms to ensure people have access to remedy when needed. Employees, customers, and other stakeholders can bring to our attention their concerns through our branches, head office, call centers, designated telephone lines, and via our website.
We place emphasis on engagement with our stakeholders and strives for transparency and responsiveness.
Grievance Mechanism
Mizuho has a grievance mechanism through our branches and headquarters. Mizuho Bank, Mizuho Trust and Banking, Mizuho Securities have designated telephone lines shown on website. Mizuho Americas also has its own grievance system on website to receive comments from stakeholders. In responding to consultations and complaints received on website, we guarantee the anonymity and confidentiality of our clients.
Furthermore, Mizuho has disclosed the grievance mechanisms in the Human Rights Report 2022.
Human Rights Report 2023 "Operation of Grievance Mechanism" (PDF/3,653KB)
Specialized forms for those who are hearing or speech impaired
To address internal issues, we have established a number of consultation systems, including a regulatory compliance hotline, Mizuho’s human rights helpline, and an employee consultation office. We are making every effort to provide a system that guarantees anonymity and confidentiality while maintaining impartiality and protecting the rights of employees when addressing concerns or responding to complaints.
Mizuho’s human rights helpline
Mizuho’s Human Rights Helpline was established in accordance with relevant laws, regulations,1 and guidelines as an internal consultation system for issues of harassment and reasonable accommodation for employees with disabilities.
- Relevant Japanese laws and regulations are as follows: The Equal Employment Opportunity Act (regarding sexual harassment and maternity-related harassment); the Labor Measures Comprehensive Promotion Act (regarding abuse of authority (“power harassment”)); the Childcare and Caregiver Leave Act (regarding harassment related to maternity, paternity, and family caregiving); and the Act to Facilitate the Employment of Persons with Disabilities (regarding employees with disabilities).
Mizuho’s Human Rights Helpline is available to all employees of Mizuho Financial Group, Mizuho Bank, Mizuho Trust & Banking, and Mizuho Securities (including employees seconded to group companies and other related companies).
Consultation methods
Telephone, email, written document (general postal mail, internal postal mail, etc.)
In July 2023, Mizuho joined the Engagement and Remedy Platform provided and operated by the Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER) to receive complaints concerning human rights violations from stakeholders across its value chain. JaCER is an organization that provides a non-judicial platform for redress of grievances based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and receives human rights complaints relevant to Mizuho. It informs Mizuho of such complaints and support/promote its grievance mechanism. In addition to the grievance mechanisms for clients and employees described in above, Mizuho accepts human rights complaints from all stakeholders through this external professional platform. By using this platform, Mizuho will build an equitable engagement and remedy process and respond appropriately to complaints and whistle-blowing while ensuring the anonymity of the complainants and the confidentiality of information.
JaCER's grievance application form
We communicate Human Rights Policy to our business partners and express our expectation that they uphold a standard of respect for human rights commensurate with this policy.
Stakeholder Communication
Publication of Human Rights Report 2023
Mizuho has been publishing the annual Human Rights Report (PDF/3,653KB) since 2022, which summarizes details of initiatives related to respect for human rights. The report is based on the United Nations Principles Reporting Framework to enhance transparency.
Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018
In accordance with the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018, Mizuho Bank publishes a Modern Slavery Statement (PDF/983KB) and reports our actions to prevent or mitigate negative impacts on human rights related to modern slavery risks, in both our own operations and our supply chains.
UK Modern Slavery Act 2015
In accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, the London Branch of Mizuho Bank publishes an Anti–Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement, and reports on its efforts to mitigate risks in its own business and supply chain.
We strive to be proactive in two–way communications on human rights and environmental issues with various stakeholders, including equity holders, investors, media, and NGOs, in order to benefit from their advice to further strengthen our efforts to respect human rights.
Through our involvement in the Equator Principles Association, we carry out discussions with international NGOs and continue to promote the Equator Principles.
Contribution to Financial Inclusion
Grameen America is a certified U.S. Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) dedicated to helping low-income entrepreneurial women build businesses to enable financial mobility. In 2024, Mizuho Americas provided USD 5 million in debt capital to Grameen America and its microlending program as part of the firm's ongoing commitment to CDFIs and financial inclusion. With the facility, Grameen hopes to disburse over 900 loans assisting low-income women entrepreneurs.