
In the sustainability section of our website, we endeavor to deepen our communication with stakeholders by reporting on the results of activities in accordance with our approach toward sustainability as well as related policies and plans. In an effort to further promote sustainability, Mizuho is disclosing information on its related activities in a systematic and comprehensive manner.

Mizuho issued an Integrated Report, which effectively combines the content of its CSR Report and Annual Review effective from fiscal 2015. In preparing this Integrated Report, Mizuho referred to the guidelines set out under the International Integration Reporting Framework.

Integrated Report

The CSR Report and the Annual Review were integrated into a single Integrated Report in fiscal 2015.

Besides financial information, the Integrated Report contains information regarding such subjects as corporate identity, corporate strategies, and ESG (environment, society, and governance). The report presents information on Mizuho's efforts related to strategies, governance, corporate culture, and other subjects along with information on how those activities are leading to the creation of value for Mizuho and society over the short–, medium–, and long–term. It is edited with the intention of providing stakeholders with concise and clear explanations in a story–like form.

Go to 2023 Integrated ReportIntegrated Report 2023*

*   Links to "Investor Relations"

Climate & Nature-related Report

At Mizuho, we have been working to improve our climate action and disclosure since 2017, supporting the intent and aims of the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In 2020, we became the first financial services group in Japan to publish a TCFD Report.
This year, we decided to broaden our traditional TCFD Report into a comprehensive report that provides a holistic account of our responses and initiatives related to climate and nature.

Latest report

Climate & Nature-related Report 2024Climate & Nature-related Report 2024
(Double page) (PDF/11,816KB)

Climate & Nature-related Report 2024
(Single page) (PDF/5,920KB)

Back Numbers

TCFD Report 2023 (PDF/4,482KB)
TCFD Report 2022 (PDF/4,358KB)
TCFD Report 2021 (PDF/1,308KB)
TCFD Report 2020 (PDF/1,421KB)

Sustainability Progress

On April 2024, Mizuho disclosed its "Sustainability Progress 2024 (PDF/3,911KB)".

Back Numbers

Sustainability Progress 2022 (PDF/2,946KB)

Human Rights Report

Mizuho has published its Human Rights Report based on the United Nations Guiding Principles Reporting Framework since FY2022 that gives a comprehensive overview of Mizuho's respecting human rights initiatives to increase transparency and provide for accountability to its stakeholders in regard to its initiatives for respecting human rights.

Human Rights Report 2023 (PDF/3,653KB)Human Rights Report 2023

Back Numbers

Human Rights Report 2022 (PDF/3,777KB)

Other Sustainability-related Publication

Mizuho Sustainability Focus

COP28 (United Nations), held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from the end of November 2023, discussed emission reduction targets, expansion of renewable energy capacity, and other related topics, attracting attention to their impact on future industries and businesses. In Mizuho Sustainability Focus, we provide an overview of the latest topics related to corporates’ effort towards sustainability and our insights focusing on significant changes in industrial structure and new business model.

Mizuho Sustainability Focus 2023Mizuho Sustainability Focus 2023 (PDF/10,933KB)

Publication of Mizuho Sustainability Focus 2023 (PDF/86KB)

Impact Business Compass

Impact Business CompassImpact Business Compass (PDF/5,029KB)

Impact Business Compass (two-page spread) (PDF/3,259KB)

Publication of Impact Business Compass (PDF/425KB)

Archived Integrated Reports

*   Links to "Investor Relations"

Archive (up to 2014)

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