ESG Information Index

We address environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues as a part of efforts to promote sustainability initiatives. The following table provides a list of our sustainability initiatives from each of the ESG perspectives with the relevant link to each section.


Message from the CEO Message from the CEO
Corporate Identity Corporate Identity and Code of Conduct
Sustainability Management Our Approach
Annual Results
Organizational Framework
Sustainability Scope and Guidelines
Reputation ESG Evaluation

Business Activities (Environmental Aspect and Social Aspect)

Investment– and financing–related environmental and social concerns Responsible Financing and Investment
Implementation System for the Equator Principles
Stewardship Responsibilities and ESG Investment
Closed Transactions Screened for EP Compliance
Case Studies on Equator Principles
Contributing to the Sustainable Development of Society Addressing Social and Economic Issues
Addressing Global Issues
Declining birthrate and aging population, plus good health and lengthening lifespans
Environmental Business Initiatives

Environmental Business Results
Financial Inclusion Management Support for SMEs
Expand services that respond to a society with a declining birthrate and aging population
Improving Convenience
Financial and Economic Education
Financial Education in India

Environmental Aspect

The following table provides details of the relevant links to Mizuho's policies and approach toward environmental initiatives as well as initiatives for reducing our environment footprint. Environmental business initiatives are detailed under the above "Business Activities" section.

Environmental Management Environmental Policy
Environmental Targets
Approach to Environmental Risk and Opportunities
Organizational Framework
Reducing Environmental Footprint
Environmental Reporting Environmental Footprint Data
Carbon Accounting

Social Aspect

Business initiatives aimed at addressing social issues are detailed under the above "Business Activities" section.

Employment Practice, Health and Safety at Work HR Vision

Mizuho's HR Policy
Human Resources System
Promoting the Employment and Advancement of Diverse Human Resources

Mizuho's Commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Targets
Promoting Work–Life Balance
Workplace Safety and Health

Maintaining a Sound Relationship between the Company and Employees
HR Data

Workplace Safety and Health Data
Human Development and Training Talent Development
Human Rights Human Rights Policy
Human Rights Due Diligence
Grievance Mechanism and Stakeholder Dialogues
Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Organizational Structure
Supply Chain Management Basic Stance toward Suppliers
Approach to Transactions with Suppliers
Social Contribution Activities Policies for Social Contribution Initiatives
Mizuho Volunteer Day
Specific Actions Taken
Financial and Economic Education Basic Approach
Targets and Results

Governance Aspect

Corporate Governance Basic policy regarding its corporate governance system

Articles of Incorporation

Corporate Governance Guidelines

Overview of Independence Standards of Outside Directors

Compensation Policy

Corporate Governance Structure

Corporate Governance Report

Outline of Results of the Evaluation on the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors

Risk Appetite Framework (RAF)
Risk Culture
Risk Management Basic Approach
Risk Management Structure
Approach to the Basel Regulatory Framework

Capital Adequacy Ratio Highlights (PDF/7,237KB)

Business Continuity Management
Anti–Money Laundering
Strict Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Internal Rules
Basic Compliance Policy
Compliance Structure
Maintaining Sound and Normal Relationships with Government Authorities
Efforts to Prevent Money Laundering, etc.
Consumer Issues Basic Stance Toward Customers
Customer Protection Management Structure
Product Explanation Management
Customer Service Management
Financial Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) System Initiatives
Policy for the Management of Conflicts of Interest

Mizuho's Policy on Fiduciary Duty (PDF/64KB)

Improving Customer Satisfaction
Crime Prevention
Information Security Cyber Security
Managing Customer Information
Disclosure Disclosure Policy
ESG Data
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