Human resources system

Group–wide HR system/management

Our HR system is designed and operated to allow each individual employee to take the initiative in developing specialized skills in the areas in which they excel, maximizing their universally recognizable value.

In Japan, aiming to better facilitate the cross-entity development and placement of personnel on a group-wide basis, Mizuho Financial Group, Mizuho Bank, Mizuho Trust & Banking, and Mizuho Research & Technologies (with some exceptions) share a common HR platform that unifies fundamental aspects of HR systems across the companies. Additionally, the division of employees by job “track” has been eliminated as of October 2021 in order to enable employees to realize their full potential through more individualized personnel development and compensation. 

In order to advance and encourage employee mobility between the above mentioned four companies and other group companies such as Mizuho Securities and Asset Management One, we have put in place HR systems that are a good fit for the securities and asset management companies in the Mizuho group.

Fair evaluations reflecting job duties and performance

To fully compensate employees for their contribution, a performance–based evaluation system has been adopted. Employees are evaluated fairly based on the degree to which they have achieved goals/targets set at the beginning of the evaluation period. This includes, for example, evaluating employees' efforts to improve their productivity. Overall evaluation results, including the degree to which employees were able to demonstrate their capabilities, are reflected in bonuses, salary adjustments, and retirement benefits. Compensation and evaluation are aligned with the employee's job duties, without regard to gender, nationality, race, or other such aspects of the employee's background. As part of this process, supervisors meet with the team member they are evaluating and directly discuss the individual's unique qualities/strengths, career aspirations, and work–related challenges or issues. This encourages employees' professional growth and further contribution, and also enhances engagement. In addition, we have implemented a "360–degree feedback" system in which managers are evaluated by their co–workers and direct reports, increasing the understanding and transparency of evaluations.

Further information

ESG data (Basic data on employees) (PDF/2,108KB)

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