Announcement Regarding Repurchase and Cancellation of Own Shares (Common Shares) (Repurchase of Own Shares from a subsidiary pursuant to Article 163 and Article 156 of the Company Law)

June 30, 2006

We, Mizuho Financial Group, Inc., hereby notify that the Board of Directors today has resolved to repurchase and cancel a portion of treasury stock currently held by our subsidiary, as described in detail below.

1. Name of Subsidiary

Mizuho Financial Strategy Co., Ltd

2. Reason for Repurchase

Repurchase will be made for the purpose of retiring a portion of our treasury stock (392,840.83 shares at present), which the subsidiary acquired in the course of the Business Reorganization in March 2003.

With respect to the remaining treasury stock after this repurchase as specified in 3. below, we intend to repurchase and cancel them after the fiscal year ending March 31, 2007, taking into consideration the financial condition of our Group.

3. Details of Repurchase

(1) Type of shares to be repurchased Shares of common stock of Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.
(2) Aggregate amount of repurchase Maximum 130 billion yen
(3) Aggregate number of shares to be repurchased Approximately 136,500 shares
  • (The repurchase price per share will be the closing price of the shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on July 3, 2006, and the actual number of shares to be repurchased will be determined so that the aggregate amount of the repurchase will be the closest to 130 billion yen.)
(4) Form of consideration Cash
(5) Date of repurchase and cancellation (scheduled) July 7, 2006
(6) Method of repurchase Direct purchase

This document is prepared in order to announce specific facts relating to repurchase and cancellation of common shares and does not constitute an offer for sale or solicitation for investment or other similar activity in or outside of Japan.


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