The Acquisition of an "R&I Customer–oriented Investment Trust Sales Company Rating" from Rating and Investment Information, Inc.

December 17, 2018

–Mizuho's efforts to fulfill its fiduciary duties–

Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. ("MHFG"; president & CEO: Tatsufumi Sakai) has upheld the "customer-first" principle as a central value in Mizuho’s Corporate Identity, as shared by all employees and executive officers of Mizuho, and we act in accordance with our Policies Regarding Mizuho’s Fiduciary Duties*1 ("Policies") in order to fulfill our fiduciary duties*2 ("FD") regarding asset management–related business.

MHFG, Mizuho Bank, Ltd. (President & CEO: Koji Fujiwara), Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. (President & CEO: Tetsuo Iimori), and Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. (President & CEO: Koichi Iida) have acquired an "R&I Customer-oriented Investment Trust Sales Company Rating" from Rating and Investment Information, Inc. ("R&I"). The results are outlined below.

The "R&I Customer-oriented Investment Trust Sales Company Rating" *3 looks at financial enterprises (banks, securities companies, credit associations, etc.) involved in investment trust operations. It examines their customer-oriented business operations and it assesses their policies and initiatives in this area. All four Mizuho group companies earned an "S" rating owing to how they act in accordance with their FD policies.


Mizuho will continue to perform its FD and pursue customer–focused initiatives so as to offer products and services that truly meet the best interests of customers and continue being the most–trusted group as a long–term partner.

  • *1Policies Regarding Mizuho's Fiduciary Duties
  • *2Fiduciary duties is a general term for the broad range of various roles and responsibilities that fiduciaries are expected to fulfill when engaging in certain business activities in order to live up to the trust that is placed in them by their customers
  • *3The "R&I Customer–oriented Investment Trust Sales Company Rating" ("the rating") is not a statement of fact. Rather, it represents R&I’s opinions regarding the "customer–oriented business operation" initiatives of companies engaged in the trust investment sales business. Though R&I uses information that it deems to be reliable when carrying out the rating, it does not independently verify the accuracy of this information. Furthermore, R&I, etc. does not guarantee the accuracy or integrity of this information. It does not endorse the purchase, sale or holding of any specific product nor guarantee the future performance of any such product. All intellectual property rights (copyrights, etc.) and any other rights pertaining to the rating belong to R&I. Any reproduction or republication without permission is prohibited. The rating for Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. combines the ratings for Mizuho Bank, Ltd., Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd., and Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.

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